Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello All.

I had hoped to have my new blog theme up and running on January 1st but it is not going to happen. :(

Yes I am sad but I want it to be perfect so my new launch date is February 1st so check back with me again.  Of course I truly hope to be up and running before February 1st but I have some things that have to be completed first.

Don't forget about me because I am coming back bigger and better in 2014.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

I am spending the rest of my year celebrating with family and friends.  I wish you and yours the most wonderful Holiday Season ever!  I hope to see you again on January 1st.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Countdown to Christmas...8 days

Changes are coming...

Hello all,

I will be launching my new and improved blog on January 1st, 2014 if all goes as planned. It may have a new name but it will definitely have and look and a lot more content. I don't know HTML or CSS but I am learning and my hope is to have my new blog ready to launch on January 1st. I will post more on it later.I am excited and hope I can pull it off because my Christmas blog is a dream I have had for years and now I really want to make it happen.

Odd Objective

Countdown to Christmas...9 days

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello Everyone!

A beautiful but chilly day here is the South but I am full of holiday cheer.  I am getting ready to do prep work and cook some items for our late Thanksgiving celebration that we are having tomorrow evening.  I may also wrap a Christmas present or two today.  I love the holidays!

So I would love some comments...I haven't had any so far on my blog and would love to hear from my visitors. So I am going to post some questions and see if I can get some responses.  Make my day and comment!!

1) Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?

2) What is your favorite holiday food? (Any holiday)

3) What country do you live in?

4) Do you love Christmas?

5) If you love Christmas, what is your favorite thing about it?

I hope to hear from you soon. 


Countdown to Christmas...25 days

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating it today.  I have a lot to be thankful for, my children, a job and good home to live in and plenty of food.  That is a LOT!  I am truly thankful.

My children and I did not celebrate the holiday today.  My children actually celebrated with their Dad, my ex-husband and had a great time. We are celebrating on Saturday evening so I have plenty of time to clean, cook and decorate. I baked chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies today and cleaned and cleaned. 

Tomorrow I will boil my chicken and make my cornbread for my dressing and make a cherry cheesecake and deviled eggs. Yummy!  If you have never made dressing in the crockpot, also known as a slow cooker, you do not know what you are missing. 

Well that is all for now but I may have some photos of our celebration Saturday to post.  We will see.

Be Thankful and Be Happy!


Countdown to Christmas..26 days

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Countdown to Christmas.....33 days

Original Photo Courtesy of LoggaWiggler found at:

Well it is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! However, Thanksgiving is fast approaching and it is a very wonderful Holiday as well.  It is all about family, gratitude, home and food. Don't forget the food. One of my favorite desserts is Cherry Cheatcake.  I call it this because it has a simliar flavor to a real cheesecake but is light and smooth and not really a cake.

So I thought I would share the recipe here today:

Cherry Cheatcake

1 package of No-Bake Cheesecake Flavored Boxed Mix -- I use Jello No-Bake brand
1 1/2 cups cold milk
2 tbsp sugar 
5 Tbsp Melted Butter
1- 8 oz container of Cool Whip or Extra Creamy Cool Whip 
1 Can Cherry Pie Filling

Mix crust according to package directions and press firmly into a 8x8 deep dish casserole or a 9x9 deep dish casserole. Then mix cheesecake according to package directions and whip in the Cool whip. Spread on top of crust and top with Cherry Pie Filling. Chill.

Other Topping Ideas:
Chocolate covered cherries
Any type of Pie Filling
Candies or Sprinkles

Other options:
Change up the flavor by adding lemon juice or other flavoring to the cake/cool whip mix.
Mix up chocolate chips, toasted pecans and drizzle caramel and chocolate on top.

The possibilities are endless. 


This recipe is so simple and easy to make. It is one less thing to worry about during the holidays. You can make a day or two in advance and it travels really well.

Odd Objective

Countdown to Christmas...34 days

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Okay so Odd Objective loves a sale....who doesn't right?  I just love to window shop but mainly on the internet.  I don't like the crowds and hassle of going to an actual store around Christmas.  I do go but it is more stressful than fun to me.  I love to buy unique and custom designs and that is why love to shop at Zazzle. True I do have stores on Zazzle but I loved Zazzle even before I had any stores.

So I am promoting some items today that I really like that are found at Zazzle. (None are from my stores.)

                 Posters 60% off through 11/21/13 at 11:59 pm PST.
Chalkboard Night Before Christmas Poster
Chalkboard Night Before Christmas Poster by JunkyDotCom
Find other Christmas Posters at zazzle.com

Cards, Stickers and Labels 50% off through 11/21 11:59 pm PT
Santa and Elf Address Label
Santa and Elf Address Label by StarStock
Make your own picture labels online at Zazzle.

Cases and bags 40% off through 11/21/13 11:59 pm PT


Grumpy Cat - I had fun once Case For The iPad Mini
Grumpy Cat - I had fun once Case For The iPad Mini by thegrumpycat
Check out Grumpy cat Cases online at zazzle

30% off Mugs, Plates and Lamps through 11/21 at 11:59 pm PT
Abstract Art 56 Lamp
Abstract Art 56 Lamp by Ronspassionfordesign
Find more Abstract Lamp-In-A-Box Lamp at Zazzle

Zazzle has another great sale going on just in time for your Christmas shopping.

There are so many great choices you will have trouble deciding what you want to purchase.

Monogram Gifts & More

Counting down to Christmas...38 days

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Okay I am thinking about a new template for my blog.  I am thinking perhaps a magazine style template.  I have to admit I am intimidated a little because I am truly am a beginner at this and I am lost. I am off the entire week of Christmas and plan to use it for a complete redesign and to work on my other blogs also.

My hardest decision is do I want the design to be clean without much decoration or do I want to go all out and do a TRUE Christmas themed design.  Decisions, decisions.....

I will let you know when I decide. LOL!
So another long word day ahead of me. (My day job.) I just want some time to work on the many projects I have on my list.  I bought a plain wreath and want to decorate it, I want to make some paper cones covered in gift wrap and some fingernail polish ornaments.  Oh well maybe this weekend!

Have a great day and THINK CHRISTMAS!

Countdown to Christmas...41 days